Friday, June 02, 2006

FIRA Worldcup

Dortmund won't only host the FIFA Worldcup, but also the FIRA Worldcup where robots play soccer in different categories. Have ever heard such a rule?:
"A team is cautioned and shown the yellow card if a robot on that team is guilty of unsporting behavior".

1 comment:

niXXiL said...

Fucking damn doggie !!!!

You're going to be near to the whole events... I really hope you can take your time to visit the FIRA because this RoboWorld Cup is going to take place in your University !!!!

And not so enough, many FIFA's game gonna be played in Dortmund stadium... What the hell ?!?!?!?

Please... a postcard, a photo... don't know... something for your "servilleta"... PLEASE !!!!
