Tuesday, May 30, 2006


...after almost one and a half years I came back to the place where everything started. I am posting from the internet cafe I visited the very first time here in Germany. Then, everything was confusing, strange... hard times. Today, everything looks different. Now I can ask if I can use the internet in german, not in english, I understand why am I here and be thankful about it... now I can cry of joy after overcoming all the obstacles and not because I don't know what's going on... confused and lost.
Because of that and much more today I say "Thanks to life and all those who supported me".
Viele Grüsse Bochum!


Saturday, May 20, 2006

la chingada

"Cuando decimos "vete a la Chingada", enviamos a nuestro
interlocutor a un espacio lejano, vago e indeterminado. Al país de las cosas rotas, gastadas. País gris, que no está en ninguna parte, inmenso y vacío."
-Octavio Paz

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

the day

There are good days and bad days...
yesterday was a bad day.

la clase de aleman

1) glüh = incandescente, birne = pera;
Glühbirne = pera incandescente = bombilla, foco.

2) verkehr = tráfico, geschlecht = sexo (no el acto sino M/F);
Geschlechtsverkehr = tráfico de sexos = relaciones sexuales.

y la bien conocida:
3) hand = mano, schuh = zapato;
Handschuh = zapato para mano = guante.


"Gott schenkt dir das Gesicht, lächeln musst du selber"
- Irisches Sprichwort